
2020 We Owe Our Antagonizers NOTHING: a Review of Dorothy Wang’s “Thinking Its Presence: Form, Race, and Subjectivity in Contemporary Asian American Poetry”

2020 remain     | un | conquered

2019 On the Colonial Inheritance of 2001

2018 Towards a World Without War: A Conversation with Transnational Activist Jungmin Choi

2018-2016 other essays from contemptorary

2015 The Politics of Trending

2015 Neoliberal Aesthetics: 250cm Line on 6 Paid People. Lateral Journal of Cultural Studies.

2014 The Whitney Biennial for Angry Women co-written with Maya Isabella Mackrandilal

2014 Refusal=Intervention “Asian American Poetry” is not a manageable category—it is not a list co-written with Don Mee Choi

2015 Art Without Artists! Against the Artist CEO co-written with Maya Isabella Mackrandilal. The essay was translated into Spanish by Sara Plaza for the newspaper Rebelion El arte sin artistas: contra el artista CEO